Join us in making a difference!
Rotary is a global network of 1.3 million passionate neighbors, friends, leaders and problem-solvers in more than 35,000 clubs worldwide. Through Rotary clubs, people from all continents and cultures form friendships and professional connections to create lasting change in their own backyards and around the world.
Benefits of being a Rotarian:
- Become connected to your community.
- Work with others in addressing community needs.
- Interact with other professionals in your community; assist with Rotary International's international humanitarian service efforts.
- Establish contacts with an international network of professionals.
- Develop leadership skills.
- Involve family and friends in promoting service efforts.
Thinking of joining Rotary?
- If you would like a conversation about joining Rotary contact Jackie Van Lankveld at 905-327-9949 or email
- We would like to invite you to be our guest with a complimentary lunch at one of our meetings.
- Our Rotary family would love to see you!